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My online name is akiyamn and I do stuff with computers. I have a Bachelor of Computer Science degree and am currently working in tech.
I currently use GNU/Linux on all of my machines (Arch mainly, Fedora at work and Debian for servers). I mainly program small tools for my systems and the front & back ends of web services.
This page contains a few things about me and things I've done. It is designed to look good with or without CSS and comprises of zero lines of Javascript or any scripting whatsoever.
Here I list some notable things I've made.
C | coyomi | A simple Linux ncurses terminal dairy/calendar organiser with some vi-like bindings. | |
Python | slimeshot | Screenshot uploading script for a custom screenshot engine. Part of Github's Arctic Code Vault. | |
Python | shortcut.py | A python-based interface for shortcut-pages on Github. | |
Python | hebireki | A wrapper for Python's inbuilt strftime function which allows for easy Japanese date formatting. |
GDScript | Sector 8 | A basic rogue-like game where you play as a robot on a spaceship. Made for an informal gamejam with a friend in 10 days. | |
Bash | yamb | A Makefile and a few bash scripts which generate a HTML blog from Markdown files via Pandoc. Used for my blog. | |
Typescript | "Functional Asteroids" | Assignment for FIT2102 in Semester 2 of 2019. A Touhou-style bullethell asteroids game in the browser written using functional programming principles. | |
PHP/SQL | hirasawa.moe/blog | A blog engine written from scratch with a considerable amount of features including: posting entires, an account and password system, post tagging, search system with tag filtering sorted into months, automatic RSS feed generation, and commenting system with anonymised fingerprints for each commenter. | |
PHP | hirasawa.moe/photos | A web viewer for photos which displays EXIF information the side of the selected image. (Similar to flickr) | |
PHP | "slash i" and "slash t" | Image hosting and text hosting platform respectively. Used by my friend group and is compatible with the popular Windows application ShareX. slimeshot is (currently) the ad-hoc GNU/Linux client designed for both services. |
There are a few other snippets, older projects and random assignments that I haven't listed. These include other languages such as Java, C++, Lua, shell script, bash, GML among others.
My photography | A small collection of some photos I've taken over the years. Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. |
The Grand Manual | A public domain collection of tech problems and some solutions that worked for me. Updated whenever I encounter a tech problem and need to write the solution down somewhere. |
My personal contact email is: yui hirasawa.moe